ইবনে মাযাহ শরীফ | Ibn Majah

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ইবনে মাযাহ শরীফ সম্পূর্ন ৩ খণ্ড - Ibn Majah Sharif Shahih Hadithআবু আব্দুল্লাহ মুহাম্মাদ ইবনে ইয়াজীদ ইবনে মাযাহ আল -কাযবীনী রঃ কর্তৃক রচিত ইবনে মাযাহ শরীফ সহীহ হাদিসের নির্ভরযোগ্য বই। এখানে ৩ হাজারেরও বেশি হাদিস রয়েছে। আমরা খুব সহজে যেন পড়া যায় এই জন্য এই এপ্যটি করেছি। কিছু প্রয়োজনীয় টুলস সংযোজন করেছি। আশা করি ভালো একটা অ্যাাপ হিসেবে পাবেন এটা। আপনাদের পরামর্শ একান্ত কাম্য। Features of the App✓☆ Full screen mode.✓☆ Night mode.✓☆ Pin page.✓☆ Swipe horizontal reading mode like books.✓☆ Vertical scrolling reading mode. ✓☆ Search by page number.✓ Screenshot share to facebook, twitter , whats-app and others sharing sites. Abū ʻAbdillāh Muḥammad ibn Yazīd Ibn Mājah al-Rabʻī al-Qazwīnī commonly known as Ibn Mājah, was a medieval scholar of hadith of Persian origin. He compiled the last of Sunni Islams six canonical hadith collections, Sunan Ibn Mājah.Ibn Mājah was born in Qazwin, the modern-day Iranian province of Qazvin, in 824 CE/209 AH to a family who were clients (mawla) of the Rabīʻah tribe.Mājah was the nickname of his father, and not that of his grandfather nor was it his mothers name, contrary to those claiming this. The hāʼ at the end is un-voweled whether in stopping upon its pronunciation or continuing because it is a non-Arabic name.He left his hometown to travel the Islamic world visiting Iraq, Makkah, the Levant and Egypt. He studied under Ibn Abi Shaybah (through whom came over a quarter of al-Sunan), Muḥammad ibn ʻAbdillāh ibn Numayr, Jubārah ibn al-Mughallis, Ibrāhīm ibn al-Mundhir al-Ḥizāmī, ʻAbdullāh ibn Muʻāwiyah, Hishām ibn ʻAmmār, Muḥammad ibn Rumḥ, Dāwūd ibn Rashīd and others from their era. Abū Yaʻlā al-Khalīlī praised Ibn Mājah as "reliable (thiqah), prominent, agreed upon, a religious authority, possessing knowledge and the capability to memorize.According to al-Dhahabī, Ibn Mājah died on approximately February 19, 887 CE/with eight days remaining of the month of Ramadan, 273 AH,or, according to al-Kattānī, in either 887/273 or 889/275. He died in Qazwin.What he compiled/did Al-Dhahabī mentioned the following of Ibn Mājahs works:✓ Sunan Ibn Mājah: one of the six canonical collections of Hadith✓ Kitāb al-Tafsīr: a book of Quran exegesis✓ Kitāb al-Tārīkh: a book of history or, more likely, a listing of Hadith transmitters